Why Are Transport Services Important?

Transport services are more than just an easy way to get from A to B, and here are a few of the reasons why.

What Are Transport Services?

Transport is a service usually offered by aged care and disability support providers, to help consumers and participants get from A to B safely. Often, these services will be delivered using a support worker’s vehicle. To start, the care worker will get the person they support ready to travel, and take them where they need to go. If general support is needed at the destination, they’ll provide that too! Then, when the consumer or participant is ready to leave, they’ll bring them back home again, promptly, and safely.

Why are these services necessary? Because as we age or live with disability, driving a vehicle may not be an option. And likewise, public transport can pose challenges for people with lower mobility. But we all have places to be and people to see. So, transport services offer a safe and easy way for people of all abilities to get out and about, fuss-free!

Transport Services Encourage Independence

We should all be able to travel into our community, regardless of our abilities. We should be able to visit a local bookshop or café at our leisure, or go for a stroll in our local park. But even more importantly, we should be able to easily access essential services—like specialist appointments or the local supermarket. This is one of the reasons transport services are so important. With the help of transport services, people of all abilities can live an independent life on their terms. It’s incredibly valuable knowing you have a safe and easy way to get wherever you need to go!

Transport Services Enhance Social Connections

Did you know that transport services can also act as a social lifeline? They provide the chance to attend social events, visit family and friends, or simply enjoy a day out! Safe, and reliable access to social interaction can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. So, transport services aren’t just about convenience, they empower us to live a more vibrant, active, and connected life!

Could you use some help getting to your next doctor’s appointment? Or do you have a special event coming up and need a ride? Here at Simply Helping, we offer trusted transport services for older Australians and people with disability. Click here to learn more and contact us today!

Simply Helping