Practical Tips for Managing Arthritis

Living with arthritis can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few practical tips to help you manage your arthritis at home.

Stay Active

Exercise might be the last thing you want to do when you’re achy. But did you know that exercise can actually help manage symptoms of arthritis? Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or yoga can strengthen your muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce joint pain. Just remember to start slow and build up to an exercise routine that suits your abilities.

Eat Well, Feel Well

Your diet can be a powerful tool in managing arthritis. Fill your plate with anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish (sardines, salmon, trout), nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios), leafy greens (spinach, kale), and berries (blueberries). These foods can help reduce inflammation and joint pain. Plus, they’re delicious and good for your mind and body!

Hot and Cold Helper

Hot and cold treatments can work wonders for arthritis pain. Warm baths or heating pads can ease stiffness (especially in winter!), while cold packs can reduce swelling and numb painful areas. For best results, try using hot or cold treatments at least twice a day. However, be careful to keep the temperatures in a range you can tolerate.

Stress Less

Believe it or not, stress can worsen inflammation, which in turn can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or even a hobby you love can reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. It’s not surprising that when you’re relaxed, your body feels better. So, look after your mental health first, and your body will follow.

Seek Support

Connecting with others who understand what you’re going through can be incredibly uplifting. Join an arthritis support group, either in person or online. Share tips, stories, and laughs. Remember, you’re not alone in your diagnosis. Also, remember to stay in touch with your GP, and seek treatment where available. Each year, life-changing medical advancements are made. So, staying up to date is key to receiving the best treatment available.

Note: consult your GP before making any changes to your diet or trialling a new exercise regime.

Could you use some help around your home? Here at Simply Helping, we offer a range of home care services for people with lower mobility, including cleaning, meal prep, transport, and more! Click here to learn more and contact us today.