How to Find the Right Pet for a Senior
Are you or your older loved one thinking about adopting a new pet? Here are a few handy tips and titbits to help you find the right fit for your family.
Assess Your Lifestyle and Abilities
The first step to adopting a new pet as an older adult is assessing your lifestyle, preferences, and abilities. Start by considering your daily activity levels—are you living with lower mobility or prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home? Or do you love to get active and take regular walks? Many pets need frequent movement, so it’s essential to consider whether you can offer regular stimulation. Think about your living situation—do you live in an apartment? Or do you have a big backyard with lots of grass? Bigger pets, like large breed dogs, will need a lot of space to run, whereas smaller pets, like cats, would be fine in a small space.
Finally, consider your personal preferences—do you prefer a cuddly, low-energy companion? Or would you like to be greeted excitedly at the front door when you arrive home? While your lifestyle should suit your new pet, their personality should suit your lifestyle, too!
Choose Wisely
Now that you fully understand your or your loved one’s preferences and abilities, it’s time to decide which pet is best!
For many older adults, a small or medium-sized, lower-energy pet could be a great choice—they’re usually easier to manage physically than larger breeds, and often require less maintenance. If you’re picking a lower-maintenance pup, consider dog breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Shih Tzu, or Whippet. Most cats will fit the bill, too, but you may want to consider a breed with shorter hair for easy cleanup. For a hands-off companion, why not consider a fish or two? Fish require a bit of maintenance, but a smaller tank with a couple of fish would be easy to care for after some research.
Remember: always make sure you understand what your new pet pal needs from you before adopting. Whether you’re an experienced pet owner or not, do a lot of research, talk to professionals, and make sure you’ll be able to provide a happy and healthy environment for your new pet.
Consider In Home Pet Care
Would you benefit from adopting a furry family member, but worried about the maintenance? Home care could be the solution! Quality home care providers don’t just care for you; they can also care for your pets. That could include regular dog walking, providing food and water, and cleaning up after your little loved one. So, don’t assume that lower mobility or disability will stand in the way of pet ownership. With the right help, you could be picking up a new family member before you know it!
Note: If you or your older loved one has allergies or respiratory issues, always consult a doctor before adopting a new furry friend.
Are you ready to bring a new pint-sized companion into your life? Here at Simply Helping, we’re ready to support you every step of the way! From shopping for a new dog bed and getting your house pup-ready, to feeding your cat and cleaning the litter, our home care services have you and your new pet covered. For flexible home care services that suit your lifestyle, contact us today.