Am I Eligible for the NDIS?

Could you use a bit of extra support while you live with disability? You might be eligible for the NDIS! Here’s how to find out if you’re eligible, and how to apply for life-changing, NDIS-funded home support.

What is the NDIS?

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is a government-run program in Australia that facilitates support for over 500,000 Australians with disability. The NDIS aims to help people with disability live a fulfilling, independent life, granting access to new skills, jobs, more time with friends and family, and a greater quality of life.

Am I Eligible for the NDIS?

To be eligible for the NDIS, you must be an Australian citizen, and aged between 7 and 65. You must also live with a disability that is likely to be permanent, and require regular, disability-specific support to complete daily life activities.

NDIS-funded support can be temporary or ongoing. For instance, the NDIS may fund support so your family can build skills and assist you long-term. Or, the NDIS may offer you support now, so your support needs are reduced in the future. Find out more about NDIS eligibility on the NDIS website.

Note: If you are living with disability but you’re above 65, you aren’t eligible for the NDIS. However, you may be eligible for government-subsidised support via a Home Care Package. Visit My Aged Care to learn more about Home Care Packages.

How to Organise NDIS-Funded Support

So, you think you might be eligible for the NDIS, and you’d like to organise home support—what now? The first step is to contact the NDIS and complete an application. This can be done over the phone, or online. You’ll need to provide personal details, and also evidence of your NDIS eligibility and your disability—if this may be challenging for you, you can ask a friend or family member to complete your application on your behalf.

Once your application is lodged, the NDIS will complete their assessment, and if you’re successful, you’ll receive a decision letter promptly. You can then begin creating your NDIS support plan! Your support plan will outline the type of support you may benefit from, and the people best suited to provide it. Once your support plan is complete, you can start receiving valuable support services, in the comfort of your home.

Are you ready to organise life-changing disability support? Here at Simply Helping, we provide a range of NDIS-funded support services for Australians living with disability. Click here to learn more and contact us today!

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