Simply Helping Melissa to Explore Her Intersecting Identities

The decision to move from Bendigo to Melbourne at the age of 21 was a significant milestone and achievement for Melissa, whose hopes and aspirations centred on developing an inclusive network of friends, leading a healthy life, and gaining meaningful employment.

Melissa is living with autism and identifies as a neuro and gender diverse person. These intersecting identities amplified Melissa’s need to find the right support worker through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) who would understand her unique barriers and be able to deliver inclusive person-centred support.

Soon after moving to Melbourne, Melissa engaged Simply Helping Central and Northern Melbourne and was matched with support worker Debbie, whose experience and relatability provided a wonderful support platform for Melissa.

Through Melissa’s journey on the NDIS and with the support of Debbie, we are so proud to share and celebrate her NDIS goal achievements. These highlights include:

  • Developing a strong network of friends and taking up the sport of ice hockey.  Melissa states that “being able to do this has considerably changed my health and wellbeing”.  Melissa attends games independently and with her support worker Debbie, to cheer on her peers.
  • Melissa has gained the confidence and self-efficacy to explore her gender identity and to come out to family and friends, now referring to herself as “Melissa”.
  • Melissa has completed her Motor Mechanics course and aims to gain meaningful employment in an area she is passionate about.
  • Simply Helping has supported Melissa in applying for and obtaining the Disability Support Pension, which has provided Melissa with more financial freedom.
  • Melissa now feels safe and confident to attend a variety of medical appointments, both independently and with her support worker, Debbie, that she would typically not attend due to perceived barriers and discrimination.

Melissa is proud of how she has transformed her life. She shares that having support worker Debbie and the team at Simply Helping Central and Northern Melbourne working with her to achieve these goals “has been like having the support of a family network in the absence of having your family nearby.”

The team at Simply Helping Central and Northern Melbourne would like to congratulate Melissa on her wonderful goal achievements.

Click here to learn more about Simply Helping Central and Northern Melbourne and how our range of supports can assist you in achieving your goals.

Debbie (left) and Melissa (right) after a game of ice hockey