Which Disabilities Does the NDIS Cover?

The NDIS has transformed the way that Australians access disability support services. But have you ever wondered which disabilities the NDIS actually covers? Let’s find out!

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program designed to provide government funding for people with disability to help them access necessary supports and services. It is designed to enhance the quality of life for people living with disability by offering tailored and personalised assistance (with daily activities, health care, therapy, assistive technology, and community engagement) based on their unique needs and goals.

Which Disabilities Does the NDIS Cover?

In general, the NDIS is primarily interested in the impact of a disability, rather than the actual diagnosis. But, there are a few disabilities that the NDIS is likely to cover. Note: This is not an exhaustive list—visit the NDIS website for more information.

Intellectual Disabilities: People with disabilities that impact cognitive functioning may be eligible for NDIS support.

Physical Disabilities: This includes conditions that affect mobility, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or loss of limb/s.

Psychiatric Disabilities: Conditions like depression and schizophrenia may be covered if they have a substantial impact on daily functioning.

Sensory Disabilities: People with sensory impairments, like blindness or deafness, may be eligible.

The NDIS also may cover people with various neurological and developmental conditions. Conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, acquired brain injuries, and Down Syndrome are within the scope of NDIS coverage.

To be eligible for the NDIS, your disability must be considered permanent, or likely to be permanent, and must impact your daily life in a significant way.

How to Organise Support Through the NDIS

If you think you might be eligible for NDIS funding, contact the NDIS and complete an access request form. Then, you’ll undergo an assessment, and if you’re deemed eligible, you can begin creating your support plan. This plan will detail the types of supports you’re eligible for, and the level of coverage you’ll receive. With your plan created, you can choose an approved support provider, and use your NDIS funding to purchase their services. Easy!

Could you use some help navigating the NDIS? Simply Helping is one of Australia’s leading in home disability support providers, and we’d be more than happy to assist you with the NDIS process. Click here to view our range of home care services or click here to contact us today!

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