The Difference Between NDIS Self-Management and Plan-Management

If you receive NDIS funding, you’ll need to make a very important decision—will you manage your NDIS funds yourself? Or will you engage a Plan Manager? Here are a few tips to help you decide which approach is right for you!

NDIS Self-Management

Self-management is exactly what it sounds like—you manage your NDIS funds yourself. This allows you to choose your service providers even if they’re not NDIS-registered or charge more than the NDIS price guide. Why would you want to choose a provider who charges more? Well, consider you have the option of two providers—provider one follows the price guide but doesn’t offer all the services you’d like. Provider two charges slightly above the price guide but offers all the services you want, the way you want them. Because you’re self-managing your plan, you can go with provider two. Whereas in contrast, you couldn’t engage provider two if you were plan-managed.

Remember, though, when you self-manage your NDIS funds, you’re responsible for all the admin. This includes submitting invoices to the NDIA, filing records and receipts properly, allocating your funds appropriately, and paying providers directly. This admin alone can take from 5 to 25 hours a week.

NDIS Plan-Management

When you choose plan management, a dedicated Plan Manager takes on the financial management of your NDIS plan, handling payments to providers and helping with budget tracking. This option relieves you of the administrative hassle. However, you might have slightly fewer options provider-wise because plan managers must stick to the NDIS price guide when organising your supports. But if you still really want to choose a provider who charges more than the guide, you can organise to pay the difference out of pocket.

Quick tip: The NDIS will provide funding for you to engage a Plan Manager—there is no out-of-pocket cost.

Which is Right for You?

Deciding between NDIS self-management and plan-management boils down to personal preference, lifestyle, and how involved you want to be in managing your funds. If you’re drawn to the idea of complete control and are comfortable with managing budgets and records, self-management could be a great choice. On the other hand, if you’re not a fan of admin, plan-management could be for you!

Are you looking for trusted disability support services? We can help! Here at Simply Helping, we’re an NDIS-registered support provider offering flexible services to help you live life on your terms, in the comfort of your own home. Click here to learn more, and contact us today!