How to Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products

Are you ready to freshen up your home while keeping it green? Here’s how to make your own cleaning products using only natural, household ingredients!

All-Purpose Cleaner

It’s super easy to make a powerful all-purpose cleaner without the harsh chemicals. Simply mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, give it a shake, and voila—you’ve got a handy cleaner ready to tackle most surfaces. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, and this solution is perfect for cleaning benchtops, kitchen appliances, and even bathroom tiles. Just be sure to avoid using vinegar on marble or other sensitive stones, as it may dull their surface.

Stain-Busting Scrub

Got a tough kitchen stain that needs some elbow grease? Fear not! Simply cut a lemon in half, sprinkle some table salt onto the cut side, and scrub away. This dynamic duo works wonders on hard water stains, rust on kitchen utensils, and even grubby cutting boards. The lemon’s acidity works with the abrasive salt to lift stains, while leaving behind a fresh, citrusy scent!

Fool-Proof Freshener

For a simple, natural carpet freshener, head to your pantry and grab a box of baking soda and your favourite essential oil. Now, fill a jar with the baking soda add a few drops of your essential oil and give it a good shake. Sprinkle a generous amount onto your carpet, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then vacuum it up. Baking soda does a great job neutralising unwanted odours, while the essential oil deposits nose-friendly aromas. All in all, you’ll be left with a fresh, clean-smelling carpet— without any harsh chemicals!

Making your own natural cleaning products isn’t just a win for the environment; it’s a fantastic way to save some money and have a bit of fun in the process. Your home, your wallet, and Mother Nature will thank you.

Could you use some help keeping your home clean? Here at Simply Helping, we offer flexible house cleaning services for people from all walks of life! Click here to learn more and contact us today.

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