Downsizing Tips for Seniors

As we age, children leave home, and our needs change. Many of us come to the realisation that we have a lot more space and possessions than we really need. If you’re a senior thinking about downsizing, but feeling a little daunted by the task ahead, here are some tips to help you get there.


The first step to downsizing is to declutter. All the possessions you’ve accumulated over your lifetime can be overwhelming to sort through. Whether it’s sentimental memorabilia, or simply just “stuff” you don’t know what to do with, sorting it all is a big job. Especially if you’ve been putting it off for a long time. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of help to get started. At Simply Helping, we can help you declutter your home, making downsizing even easier.


When looking to move to a smaller home, it’s important to think about not only your needs now, but what they might look like in 3, 5, 10 years’ time. If you take into consideration any health concerns you may have in the future, think about what will make life easier for you in your new home.

This can apply not only inside the home, but outside as well. For example, how far is the nearest supermarket? Can you access community amenities without needing a car? Or, are there other transport options available? If you do need help to get around, we can provide transport services.

Minimise risks

You may want to look for a place with a similar layout to your current home. This can make it easier to adjust to your new home, and minimise the risk of falls and other accidents. For example, if you move into a house with a staircase and you didn’t previously have one, this may pose quite a hazard.

Avoid too many steps, or staircases altogether. They are a tripping and falling hazard. So are raised edges on showers, or showers in bathtubs. Open plan living may offer wider and easier access for foot traffic and mobility aids, compared with narrow hallways.

Home Modifications

Of course, you can always make home modifications later on if needed. Our home maintenance team can help you with things like installing grab bars in the bathroom, ramps, or stair rails, to make your home as low-risk as possible.

For more information about how we can help you with home care services and more, click here.

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