Brilliant Baking Soda Cleaning Hacks

It helps your cookies, muffins, and pancakes rise, but did you know that baking soda is also an awesome cleaner and deodoriser? Here are a few brilliant ways you can use baking soda as part of your cleaning routine.

Banish Bathroom Grime

You wouldn’t think baking soda has a place outside the kitchen—but you’d be wrong. In fact, you might even find it most useful in your bathroom, of all places! For a sparkling toilet, sprinkle a cup of baking soda into the bowl, let it sit for about an hour, and flush. You’ll be left with a squeaky-clean bowl fit for a king. For tile grout, make a thick paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the grout, leave it for a few minutes, scrub with a brush, and rinse. Your grout will look as good as new! You know those pesky hard water stains you’re always fussing with? Baking soda helps there, too. Simply mix up a concoction of baking soda and white vinegar and rub over stained surfaces. After a small amount of elbow grease and a good rinse, those water stains will be nowhere to be found.

Fresh Fabric

Do you have pets or a big family who love to wear their shoes inside? Chances are your carpets pick up a bit of an offensive odour from time to time… No worries, baking soda to the rescue! Start by sprinkling a good amount of baking soda on the pungent parts of your carpets, and let it chill for at least 15 minutes (or even overnight for more intense odours). Then, whip out the vacuum and suck it all up, it’s that easy. You’ll be amazed at how fresh and clean your house smells. And guess what? It even works for fabric chairs and couches!

So Long, Smelly Fridge

Have you ever opened your fridge and been hit with an unpleasant mystery smell? Next time, break out the baking soda, pour some into an open container, and place it in the back of your fridge. The baking soda will absorb all the weird and wonderful smells, so your nose doesn’t have to! Replace it every month or so for long-lasting freshness.

There you have it, some basic (no pun intended) baking soda hacks to keep your house clean and smelling like a daisy.

Could you use a helping hand keeping your home clean? Here at Simply Helping, we offer a fantastic range of flexible home care services (including cleaning and home help!) for older adults, people with disability, and people with busy schedules. Click here to learn more and contact us today.