NDIS Budget Update 2024

At Simply Helping, we’re committed to keeping you informed about the latest developments in disability support and the NDIS. The Australian Government’s recent budget brings important improvements for people with disability, promoting a strong commitment to a more inclusive society.

Let’s take a look at a few key updates from the 2024 budget:

Boosting Disability Employment

A major highlight is the new Specialist Disability Employment Program. This has been given an additional $227.6 million investment. The program, which starts on 1 July 2025, aims to improve job opportunities for people with disability. The extra funding will help people better prepare for and find more suitable employment. It includes investing in a new digital platform to deliver better supports to providers and NDIS participants, and more choice. The goal is to help everyone find and keep a job that fits their needs.

Establishing a Centre of Excellence

Another new development is the creation of a Disability Employment Centre of Excellence. This has received $23.3 million in funding. The centre will focus on sharing best practices and innovations to boost the quality of services offered by employment service providers. Coupled with the new and improved Specialised Disability Employment Program, there will be a better balance of the needs of job seekers and employers. This will promote positive employment outcomes for people with disability.

Improving Evidence-Based Supports

The budget also allocates $45.5 million to form an NDIS Evidence Advisory Committee. The committee will provide independent and transparent advice on the effectiveness of therapeutic supports accessed via the NDIS. By focussing on evidence-based approaches, the committee will help ensure that the funded supports are useful, safe, and cost-effective.

Enhancing Safety and Accountability

An additional $2.6 million has been allocated further to protect the rights and wellbeing of people with disability. These funds will support the continued delivery of the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline and the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service. These services offer confidential channels for reporting abuse and neglect. They are also critical for raising concerns about disability services. These independent complaint channels are crucial for a safer future for all Australians with disability.

Simply Helping’s Commitment

At Simply Helping, we positively view these advancements and remain committed to providing flexible disability support to our community. We offer a range of NDIS-funded services tailored to meet your individual needs. Our dedicated team is here to help you navigate the NDIS and ensure you receive the best possible support. Whether you need assistance with daily living or community participation, Simply Helping is here to help you live the life you choose. 

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